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The head of the forestry organization of each country serves as Commissioner, along with the Assistant Director General of the Forestry Department of FAO.  The Chair rotates every two years among the three NAFC countries.  Current NAFC commissioners are to the right.


The NAFC Commissioners meet every two years to update each other on important forest and natural resource issues and priorities in their respective countries and in FAO; to receive updates from the BOA and working groups; and to develop recommended topics to be considered by the FAO Committee on Forestry during its biennial meetings. 


These Commission meetings provide an opportunity to highlight specific initiatives and issues of interest to the host Commissioner through field trips and/or invited presentations.  They also provide space and time for the Commissioners to have informal conversations and collaborate on topics of interest, beyond NAFC.  Generally each Commission meeting includes two evening receptions, one hosted by the host country, the other hosted by FAO.  Commission meetings are attended by the Commissioners, BOA members, Working Group Chairs, invited guests and speakers.



Glenn Hargrove

Assistant Deputy Minister
Canadian Forest Service

Natural Resources Canada


Luis Meneses Murillo

Director General

National Forestry Commission


Randy Moore

US Forest Service


Zhimin Wu

Director, Forestry Division

Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests

UN Food and Agriculture Organization