Illegal Logging Working Group (ad hoc)
The mission of the NAFC ad hoc Illegal Logging Working Group is to facilitate exchange of information on matters pertaining to illegal logging and associated trade, to wood identification science and relevant emerging technologies; and to advance trilateral collaboration for the purpose of combating illegal logging and maintaining legal trade of forest products within North America.
The Focus of the Working Group shall be on:
- Facilitating exchange of information and collaboration on wood identification science and relevant wood science and emerging technologies and expanding wood reference collections
- Assisting and facilitating the trade of legal timber through consideration of factors such as observed trade patterns, traceability and supply chains, forest governance and potential application of best practices for data gathering and generation
- Acting as a convenor and point of contact for working group discussions with other trilateral and multilateral initiatives and relevant groups such as the Commision for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), the Canada, Mexico, United States Agreement TMEC/USMCA/CUSMA) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Expert Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT)
- Fostering communication between other NAFC working groups and members and identifying areas of mutual scientific, regulatory and policy collaboration